Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols: Once more the best of the best supercomputer experts came together to decide which are the fastest of the fast computers. Number one with a bullet continues to be Tianhe-2, aka Milky Way-2, a Chinese supercomputer developed by China’s National University of Defense Technology. Its operating system? Linux of course.
That’s no surprise. For years, Linux has dominated supercomputing. The November 2014 Top 500 supercomputer ranking found 485 out of the world’s fastest 500 computers running Linux. That’s 97 percent for those of you without a calculator at hand.
Compared to that, Windows on desktops and Android on smartphones are pikers.
Linux has grown to own supercomputing since it first appeared on the Top 500 list in June 1998 because it simply works well in creating ultra-fast computers. Unix, which once dominated the bi-annual listings is down to a mere 13 systems, 2.6 percent. The remaining two supercomputers consists of a system running a mixed operating system and a single Windows system…MORE ( Kylin Linux
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